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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

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Winter in New Jersey can be harsh. Is your furnace keeping up with your heating demands? If you hear the fan running constantly but you still feel chilly, place your hand over a few supply registers around the house.

If the air feels cold, you have a problem! Here are five possible reasons why your furnace is blowing cold air and when to schedule furnace repair to fix the problem.

The Thermostat Is Set to “On”

Thermostats have two fan settings: “on” and “auto.” When it’s set to “on,” the blower continuously runs, even when the burners aren’t lit.

There’s nothing wrong with this setting, but the air coming from supply registers will feel cold at times. To save on operating costs, set the thermostat to “auto” so the blower only operates when the furnace is running.

The Pilot Light Is Out

Older furnaces rely on a constantly burning pilot light to ignite the burners. If your home feels chilly even though the furnace is running, check the pilot light to see if it has burned out.

You can relight it if you feel comfortable doing so. Otherwise, schedule furnace repair and let a professional handle it.

The Flame Sensor Is Dirty

This prevents the burners from staying lit, so the air feels warm at first and then goes cold. For a safe and proper flame sensor cleaning, call in a professional technician.

There’s a More Technical Issue

The above problems are quite easy to recognize. If you can’t see a problem but your furnace is clearly blowing cold air, a more technical issue—such as a faulty igniter or malfunctioning circuit board—could be to blame. HVAC professionals can diagnose and fix the issue.

The Ductwork Is Leaking

There might not be anything wrong with your furnace at all. Instead, the air may simply be cooling off by the time it exits the supply registers.

Leaky ducts with no insulation can cause the air to lose a lot of heat, especially if your ductwork runs through the attic. Check any exposed ducts and if you see unsealed gaps, loose connections, or missing insulation, call a professional to fix the problem.

Schedule Furnace Repair in Central Jersey

If you attempt the troubleshooting tips here but find that your furnace still blows cold air, contact Arctic Air Conditioning today to schedule repair. The faster you act, the sooner your home will feel comfortable again!

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